The Rogers State University Police Department (RSUPD) is staffed by commissioned peace officers that meet the standards of the Oklahoma Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET). RSUPD officers have the power to arrest or issue citations to any person violating the law on University property and we cooperate with local police authorities in the exercise of their responsibilities. Policies and regulations have been developed for the safety and convenience of everyone on the RSU campus.
Traffic Laws
RSU has adopted the State of Oklahoma’s Traffic Codes, the City of Claremore’s Traffic Codes, and has a working relationship with the Rogers County District Attorney’s Office and the City of Claremore dealing with traffic violations. An RSU Police Officer can issue an RSU citation, City citation, or County citation.
All vehicles on campus must be registered with the Hillcat Card Office and display a parking (hang tag) permit in the vehicle.
Special Event Parking: When planning special events to be held on the RSU campus it is sometimes necessary to arrange for reserved parking. If reserved parking is needed, please download and complete the Special Event Parking Request (pdf). If the reserved parking request is approved you are responsible for the following:
- Coordinate the printing of signs with the Print Shop.
- Send copy to Chief of Campus Police.
- Coordinate the placing of signs with the Physical Plant.
- Send out highlighted maps with route and lot location to event participants.
RSUPD Mission Statement
Protection. Service. Education. That’s our motto.
It is the mission of RSUPD to prevent crime and provide a safe higher educational environment for students, faculty, and staff by applying problem solving techniques designed to meet the needs of the public we serve. The department exists for one main purpose and that is to support the goals of the higher education community.
We believe the most effective manner of achieving these goals are to gain voluntary compliance of laws by all students, faculty, and staff through education and enforcement. As such, we demand that our law enforcement efforts be free from the application of threat, unnecessary use of force, or the administration of punishment.
One of our highest goals is to perform our duties in a manner that gains and maintains the approval and respect of all members of this university. We pledge to perform our duties in a consistent, fair manner without regard to race, sex, creed, religion, national origin, or social standing. We respect and practice sensitivity and understanding of the cultural and ethnic diversity of those that we serve.
The goal of the RSUPD is to be recognized as the national milestone in innovative and professional policing. We characterized this quality by unyielding integrity, established excellence, and exceptional personnel.