Sharing a room with someone is like any other relationship – to be successful it requires openness, flexibility, respect and compromise. Right from the beginning, it is very important to communicate openly with your roommate.
Learning to live with another person, to acknowledge and respect each other’s differences, and to allow one another the space to grow is one of the most valuable parts of the residence hall experience. This declaration outlines basic rights and responsibilities that will help healthy roommate relationships develop.
As a roommate, you have the following rights:
- To read and study free from undue interference in one’s room.
- To sleep without undue disturbance from noise, roommate, guests, etc.
- To expect that a roommate will respect one’s personal belongings.
- To a safe and clean environment in which to live.
- To free access to your room and facilities without pressure from a roommate.
- To personal privacy.
- To host guest during approved visitation hours who respect the rights of your roommate and all on-campus residents.
- To be free from fear of intimidation and physical and/or emotional harm.
- To expect reasonable cooperation in the use of “room shared” appliances and a commitment to honor agreed-upon procedures.
As a roommate, you have following responsibilities:
- To keep your door locked.
- To observe quiet hours, keep your stereo and voice at a reasonable volume in the residence complex, and to remind others that you expect the same of them.
- To let your roommate know of your wishes and preferences for hours of sleep, study, and guest visitation, and to work through any differences you may have in a peaceful manner.
- To listen to your roommate’s wishes and respond appropriately.
- To read and follow the rules and regulations established to support the educational purposes of the university (provided for you by Residential Life Handbook) and to sustain a safe and comfortable living community in the housing complexes. You are responsible for what happens to your room.
- To examine your own behavior when confronted by another and work toward resolving conflicts. You also have the responsibility to interact with others in a non-aggressive and non-threatening manner.
- To notify a staff person of your problem in a timely manner, and to cooperate with the staff as they work with you to resolve your problem.
- To participate in meetings and to adhere to and enforce community policy and guidelines.
- To be a positive member and influence in your community.
- To recognize that community cannot exist if any individual is excluded. An action, direct or covert, that discriminates on the basis of race, gender, handicap, national origin, age or sexual orientation cannot be tolerated in a community based on mutual respect and cooperation.