Rogers State University makes available tutoring services for all students who might need academic assistance, whether it’s just a little help with a particular problem or if you have reached a major stumbling block in understanding a concept.
On-Campus Tutoring Labs
Math & Science
Stratton Taylor Library, Room 116
Tutor Schedule (pdf)
24/7 Online Tutoring

Need help with an assignment after hours or can’t make it to campus? RSU offers for 24/7 Online Tutoring to all RSU students.
- Easy to use
- Accessed through your courses from anywhere
- Study tools, lessons, test prep, and instructional videos
Accounting, Economics, Finance, Intermediate Accounting, Java Programming, Algebra, Basic Math, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Quantitative Reasoning, Statistics, Trigonometry, Excel, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Microbiology, Physics, Organic Chemistry I & II