When you enroll on campus and a course is full you can ask to be put on the waitlist. If you are enrolling online and the course is full you can email [email protected] requesting to be put on the waitlist; include your name, student identification number, zap number and course title. You will receive a return email confirming your request has been completed.
The waitlist is processed on a first come first serve basis. If a seat becomes available the person at the top of the list will be contacted once via personal email and/or school email. If an email is not on file a phone call will be made to the student’s cell phone number or current phone number on file. During the Spring and Fall semesters the student will have 48 hours to come into the enrollment office to complete an add form for on campus courses or email for online courses.
During the Summer semester the student will have 24 hours to come into the enrollment office to complete an add form for on campus courses or email for online courses. Once the deadline has past and if no response has been received, the student will be removed from the waitlist.
The waitlist will be utilized through the end of the first week of classes for fall and spring semesters and through the first two and a half days during the summer semester. After this date you will no longer be able to add courses for the semester.