girls posing with hillcat mascot

cartoon outline of cat face with word cat acrossCampus Activities Team (CAT)

Campus Activities Team is a division of Student Affairs which enriches the college experience through social, educational and cultural activities and events throughout the year. These events provide fun and entertainment for RSU students, faculty, and staff for free.

Some of our events include:

  • Welcome Week
  • Homecoming
  • Haunting on the Hill
  • Late Night Breakfast
  • and so much more!

CAT is an excellent opportunity for students to:

  • develop leadership skills
  • learn what goes on behind the scenes in planning campus activities
  • have a true voice in deciding what activities to have on campus
  • make friends
  • be a part of a team that is 100% awesomeness

Membership Requirements:

Would you like to serve as a chairperson on CAT? You must have served at least one year on the Committee – any class level student who signs up via the committee link in the weekly emails, and volunteers to help at at least two events. Applications are accepted at the end of the spring semester. See Student Affairs for application.

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