RSU Names Campus Swan Sarge

The Rogers State University swan, a part of the campus community for more than a decade, finally has a name: Sarge.

The moniker was announced in the most recent issue of the monthly Rogers State Hillpost, the campus student newspaper.

More than 250 people voted on the top five names in an online poll conducted by the Hillpost.

Zach Stoycoff, Hillpost editor in chief, said the name Sarge fits the swan because it pays homage to RSU’s past as Oklahoma Military Academy.

“This proves we just can’t go 50 years without a drill sergeant on campus. ‘Sarge’ is perfect because it fits the swan’s personality, RSU’s history and our dominance in academics and athletics,” Stoycoff said.

Like a drill sergeant, Sarge patrols the land around Hart Lake located next to the Health Sciences Building and Herrington Hall, which used to be used for barracks for OMA cadets.

More information on the Rogers State Hillpost is available by visiting or by email at [email protected].